Saturday, March 28, 2009

my review

im about to release my latest, but not final post. my review of toys and games. i am about to show you the thing you are about to weakness my review. wait before we start i have some questions to ask you about, what is your favorite color, name and favorite number. once answered you can read the review. and now all that you have been waiting for my review. but you have to answer one more question what do you want to review, once told i will show what you want to review after this review. enjoy! my review is smash brothers.brawl. the smashin bumping mega game. witch was released on 2008!
the world of brawl begins when you choose group solo and settings. on solo options are subspace emissary classic events, unlockables are boss battle witch is on, wait i forgot stadium and training, as i was saying witch is on stadium. group is special brawl brawl torment and rules. characters are link Zelda Ganondorf Mario toon link and lots more. best smash bros game in the world. this is the best game ever. hundreds more to tell, but i have no more time, so goodbye and don't forget to answer.

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